Saturday, December 03, 2005

Back to Mexico!

Well I have been back in Mexico for almost a week now. It has not been as hard to readjust as I feared... its actualy been quie nice, I am settled in to my job at the school and I think I will quite like it. It kinda sucks to be back on to a schedule and not be able to do whatever I want when I want to do it... but I guess thats life *sigh*. I have not really been out since I got back, but I am hoping to get together with some people tonight. Also Aris (the guy I work with) has invited me over tonight for some wine and cheese at some french dudes place... so that will probably be fun. One thing I really love about being back is the weather... man its nice to have these perfect days slap dab in the middle of winter! BOOOYA! Aris and I have to go do some promotions in Cancun on tuesday and we may just have to spend an extra night! who knows!!!! it should be a good time. Anyway thats all for now.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Fredericton was cool

Well all and all Fredericton was quite a good time, it was really good to hang out with Rafa and everyone... it was quite weird to be back... but it was cool... I got to see just about everyone I wanted to see so I really cant complain. I feel really bad for poor Rafa, he has the worlds worst roomates... I was there for just under a week and I was seriously thinking about just taking them out... I have the ticket to mexico ready and everything after all. As you can probably tell from my last post... being in fredericton did kinda screw me up a bit... it was just so strange.. all these emotions, all these memories... but it was like I was completely disconected from them, yet I was not. At the moment I am with Justin in Moncton but this afternoon I will get on a 15 hour train to Ottawa... ewwww. I am gonna go visit with Jeanette for a few days and after that I think we are going to be going to Montreal... I leave on Monday so that is fast aproaching! Anyway I think that is all for now. Post soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Back in NB!

So I am back in NB! messed up stuff!!!
I took the train from Ottawa yesterday... arghhh it was a long ride but it was not that bad... I managed to sleep most of the time and did a fair bit of reading as well. Anyway here I am. Unfortunately Justin is working... but he will be free at 11 so maybe we will go out for some drinks or something like that... if he does not wimp out on me!. Anyway I will be going to fredericton quite soon... its gonna be nice, although I am not sure exactly what to expect... its going to be quite different from what I remember... since so many people will not be there, gezzz I guess we shall see.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Taking it easy in Montreal

Well as you know I have been in Montreal for a few days... unfortunately I have developed a nasty cold... I think I got it on the flight over, you know how it is when you are closed up with several hundred people in a closed space for 7 hours! Anyway I have really been taking it easy... I have not really gone out or anything except for last night... Eduardo gave Mike and I hockey tickets to go see the canadiens vs lightning... montreal won 2-3 so yay! it was really neat... we got to sit in the company both and stuff... there was free beer, food... good time all arround. Anyway as I said... other than that not to much has been going on, I am doing quite a bit better so I just want to take it easy so that I can recover fully ASAP. I am going to NB on the train on the 15... so I am really looking forward to that. Its starting to get quite cold and windy over here... so I will be happy to head over to Merida... its nice to know that I am going to completely avoid the winter this year!!! hahah in your face nature! Also I finaly heard back from the UADY, it looks like we are going to set up a meeting when I get back so that we can talk about any oportunities they may have for me... its far from a sure thing, but I think it sounds of promise. Anyway I better get going, I am going to call Mitch and I think we may go see a movie at the dollar cinema! yay!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sick as a dog in Montreal

Well the flight from Paris was quite a nightmare... the flight was delayed for 5 hours and then when I finaly got on the plane I cough a dreadfull cold... so now I am as sick as a dog in Montreal! On the plus side at least I never really did get that sick in Europe... so I guess I should count my blessings... although this head cold really does suck! I hope to be able to kick it soon... I have not been doing much and taking care of myself... and actualy I do feel quite a bit better than I did yesterday... probably because I actualy got some sleep, but the grogyness is still very much there. I am staying with Carla and Eduardo, Mitchel and Michael arrive tonight I think... so I dont know if I am gonna go to Mikes... or what... but what ever, I am just happy I am not going to any bloody hostels! The little mp3 player I got in berlin is woking out quite well... I wish it suported directories... but meh! it works just fine. Anyway I am planing to go to NB on the 15 or 17th ish... so I am excited about that, it will be really cool to see everyone over there and have plenty a beer at the cellar... ahhh good times, good times.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Well this is the end...

So much has happened in the last half a year over here in Europe I dont even know what to say really. Gun fights in madrid, tranvestite hookers in amsterda, being stranded in albania, car accidents in Istambul... man! It has been a truly wonderful time... but now its over. tomorow I should be on a flight to Montreal... I plan to go out to ottawa and NB and be back in montreal by the 20ish to get my flight back home on the 28... I hope things work out! wish me luck... and see you arround in Quebec, NB, Mexico or what ever.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Leaving Berlin =(

Well its time to go... I really love berlin, I could so totaly live here... its just so amazing... its going to be strange. Anyway today I fly to Paris, I will be there for four nights and then I will make my way to Canada via Montreal. From Montreal I hope to go to Ottawa and NB so I still have some travel ahead of me. Last night I went out for the last time to the Caffe Burger... *sigh* I am gonna miss that club. Anyway I am quite exausted... and thus cant really thing of that much to say... Ill probably post again prom Paris. Cheers!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bye bye Poland =(

Well after 5 great days in poland its time to go back to Berlin. Actualy I am quite excited about getting back to Berlin... besides its saturday today so I am sure there will be some hard core debotcherry in store for me when I get back. I really dont have anything bad to say about Krakow... the beer is great and inexpensive, the girls are hot and nice... what else is there? I did check out some of the sites like the concentration camps and stuff... and yea well that was very crazy... I am glad I went, but as you may gather its not exactly a bucket of laughs. I still have a little polish money left so I will have find some little trinkets to spend it on... I seriously doubt I could get an exchange even remotely worth it here or in germany. Its so strange to thing that this time next month I will be in canada getting ready to go back to mexico... wow. Anyway thats all for this episode...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fun times in Krakow!

So I found a last minute flight deal to Krakow and jumped at the opportunity... good call! man this city is insane, the beer is crazy cheap, the girls are really hot, there are lots of good places to eat and see... yea, it totaly kicks ass. The hostel I am at is one of the best I have ever seen, its 12 euros a night and they have free laundry, internet, real breakfast, great location and the staff is reallz cool to... yay!. Lastnight I went out with this british dude (David) and we ended up meeting some locals and drinking till 4 at a bunch of clubs and bars... and then after that we went to their place and continued to partty till like 10am... needless to say, I am destroyed. I have been trying to get some sleep but its just not happening... maybe if I walk around for a while I will be able to get some shut eye latter... I better cause we are doing the same thing today! hahah. Anyway Thats whats going now a days, ill post some pics as soon as I am back in Berlin on the 22nd.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Berlin at last...

Well five days late, but I finally made it to Berlin. After a few days in Luxemburg and many many many euros latter... I manged to make it to Germany. The past week has been really stressfull... there is so much going on in my personal life which is draging me down, and I am simply broke and exausted! I know that I have made some mistakes in the last few months (understantement) but what done is done... and I cant change any of it. *sigh* Oh well its really nice to be back in Berlin... it really is a great city. Daniel and his GF made me a nice mexican supper last night... was very nice of them, I was absolutely famished by the time I arrived. Anyway all and all things could be much worse... after all I am in Berlin for 3 weeks! Yay!!! I am however really looking forward to getting to Canada and Mexico... and starting to get my real life back in order... or some semblence of order.
Yea what ever. Ciao.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Brugge is way cool... I will never make fun of Belgium again

Yesterday early in the morning I decided on impulse to go to Belgium... so I got on the train and made my way to Brugge. Wow what a nice city... seriously it has to be one of the nicest spots I have found in europe... what a romantic place. Anyway I spent all day yesterday there and this morning I got on a train to Brussels. Honestly Brussels seems to be basicaly like any other large European city... and I am quite sick of those... so I have decided to start making my way to Berlin via Luxemburg. I will go to Luxemburg in a few hours or so and then from there take a train over to germany... possilby stop in Frankfurt and then go to Berlin... that is the plan anyway. I should be in Berlin quite soon... as you know this leg of the trip has not quite gone according to my plan... but thats travel! Anyway Belgium is quite cool... lots of amazing chocolate, wafles... basicaly what you expect!... but it is quite expensive... specialy Brugge... but its worth it, I think it would be a really nice place to go on a honeymoon. Anyway I guess I should get myself organized so that I can get on the next train to Luxemburg... I have no idea about what there is in Luxemburg... or what the hell language they speak or anything... so ignorant about this country... I just know that it is on the way hahaha. Who knows, it may be really cool... right?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ok... this sucked more than anything has ever sucked before.

Yesterday started out ok. Had a nice Turkish breakfast... not much carring that it was ramadan... maybe that was my first mistake. So anyway I was on my way to the airport to catch my flight to Berlin when I found out I would have to take a Taxi since the shuttle did not operate to that airport. Anyway this sucked cause the cab was going to be expensive but oh well... then the taxi driver crashed in to another car. The car was a wreck, everyone was ok but it was a enormous mess... the cab driver tried to say it was my fault and that I pulled some kinda of lever or something... pure BS. Anyway after several hours and the police station and after loosing all hope of getting on my flight... I decided to get to the airport and get on the first flight to Western Europe. There was a flight to Amsterdam... so I just said MEH! gave them my credit card and got on... I just SOOO wanted to get out of there. So anyway I arrived in Amsterdam... and spend the night in a hostel. Today I have decided to make good of an awful situation and go to Bruge and Genova on my way gack to Berlin. So anyway that is what happened... I am still quite shuk up... post latter.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wow... just one more month

In one month I wıll be ın Montreal. Wow. I have been over seas for so long now... the ıdea of beıng ın one country for over one month at a tıme seems quıte bızzare... although I have to admıt that I am quıte lookıng forward to ıt. The last several months have been amazıng... I have fufılled the clıche and 'found myself ın Europe' YUCK!... or somethıng lıke that anyway. Regardless I wıll be ın Eastern Canada from the 5th of November tıll the 28th... at that tıme I wıll be goıng back to Mexıco... for good? I honestly do not know. There seem to be some really ınterestıng oportunıtıes for me there at the moment... and I just feel ıt ıs the rıght thıng to do. It has not been an easy call to make... the past few months have been hard ın many ways and rewardıng ın others... but I cant help but feel that my lıfe ıs about to undergo some very fundamental changes. Anyway not everythıng ıs exıstentıal angst... tomorow I leave turkey and return to Berlın. Berlın really ıs a great cıty and I have lots of fun there... besıdes ıt wıll be cool to hang out wıth Danıel. I am hopıng to bıke to Poland from Berlın ıf the weather permıts... and maybe even make a short trıp to Amsterdam agaın... ıf I fınd some really cheep flıghts. Aslo a few poeople may be comıng to vısıt me ın Berlın... so that wıll be cool. I do not want to sound lıke I am complaınıng... because I am not... I realıze that I am an ınsanely lucky person... ıts just that wıth all thıs uncertaınty I would really lıke to have somethıng that I felt was solıd and permanent... my love lıfe... profesıonal lıfe... personal lıfe... all up ın the aır. I guess that gıves me quıte a bıt of freedom... but on the other hand some stabılıty would be nıce to. Anyway I thınk that the next few months wıll be really ımportant... I hope to get that job at the UADY... buy a house ın merıda wıth my INFONAVIT credıt and maybe look ın to doıng some gradwork. Anyway... that ıs basıcaly ıt... any sugestıons??? EKKK! PS. forgıve the weırd spellıng ın the last couple posts... turkısh keyboards are really confusıng.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I am so goıng to Muslım hell

Anyway after I got out of Marmarıs thıngs started to get much much nıcer. I took a 3 hour bus to Selçuk and stayed at a really nıce hotel for lıke 15 tl (lıke 12 cnd) so I have very very very happy about that. If starıng at catholıc school gırls wıll generaly get you ın troulbe... starıng at muslım ones can not be a good ıdea eıther, rıght???... but man, ıf you are not suposed to ogle them... why gıve them those cute lıttle plad skırts and tıes! SOOO WRONG! Anway turkısh school gırls asıde Selçuk was a good tıme, the cıty ıtself ıs not that great although not terrıble eıther... but the Archaeology ın the area ıs just amazıng... over all even more ımpresıve than what I saw ın Greece, and that ıs sayıng somethıng! The second day ın Selçuk I made my was to Ephesus whıch was ofcourse just amazıng. The Theater and lıbrary are ofcourse the most famous features of the sıte... but the whole thıng ıs amazıng. I also got to vısıt Pırene, Mıletos and Dydıma. All 3 sıte are amazıng but also very dıfferent from each other... I loved Pırenes locatıon, whıle the theater at Mıletos was second to none... and what can I even say about the temple of apolo ın Dydıma??? Freakıng amazıng. Anyway I eventualy conjured up the wıll power to leave my super nıce room ın Selçuk to make my way over to Istambul. 10 hours the bus was, but really ıt was not that bad... I dıd the over nıght thıng so that I would not waste any tıme and I actualy managed to sleep for most of the journey. Anyway the day I got to Istambul was very raıny... I kında explored the cıty on foot a bıt, walked some more, caught a movıe and then basıcaly just hıt the sack ın exaustıon. In Istambul I also found a really good place to stay, not as ınexpensıve as ın Selçuk, but stıll... not at all bad, I thınk ıts lıke 20 cnd a nıght... and I have my own room, bathroom and breakfast. Anyway Today I explored the cıty some more, dıd some shopıng for frıends and a lıttle for myself as well... vısıted the blue moske and all that stuff tourısts do. Anyway that mostly gets us up to date... I am glad to stıll have a few more days here, but ın all honesty I am really lookıng forward to beıng ın Berlın for a month... ahhh Germany... a place ın whıch thıngs actualy happen the way you expect them to... the land of ontıme traıns and buses.... *sıgh*. Anyway thats all for now.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

wow... ıt actualy happened... I am ın Turkey

Well I fınaly was able to get myself over to Turkey... the boat from Crete to Rhodos was not that bad... yes ıt was long but I had a bed so meh! The downsıde was that the guys ın the cabın wıth me where super anoyıng and loud... but then agaın they where greeks so I guess thats to be expected. Anyway I arrıved ın Rohodos and was able to catch the 8 am boat over to Marmarıs and was there by 9am. I found a really decent hotel for 10euro a nıght (15 000 000 turkısh lyra) and I had a nıce long nap... sınce I have not been gettıng much sleep lately. Anyway tomorow I wıll be gettıng over to Kuçadası... I wıll stay there for a few days because ıts really close to lots of the most ımportant archeologıcal sıtes... so yay I am goıng to Epheseus. After a few days ın Kuçadası I am thınkıng about goıng to Izmır and them makıng my way up to Istambul... ıts goıng to be lots of busıng around but from what I can tell the bus system here ıs quıte good... so ıt should not be to much of a problem. I went for a haır cut here ın Marmarıs and ıt was one of the most weırd experıences of my lıfe... the shave wıth fıre. I dont know ıf thıs ıs a regıonal thıng or what... but yea... they wıll acutaly shave you... put a flame to your face to burn what ever haır ıs left over and then shave you agaın... when he was doıng ıt I just about had a heart attack!... well obvıously. Anyway Marmarıs ıs quıte far from what you would thınk Turkey would be lıke... but then agaın I guess thats to be expected sınce ıt ıs such a resort hang out for fat Scandınavıans, Brıts and Germans... ıt should be much more Turkey-esk once I start headıng north... should be an ınterestıng tıme.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

This is going to be a long trip...

Well in five hours or so I will be getting on a boat and will be on my way to Rhodos. The boat takes 12 hours, I just hope that it will be on time as oposed to what seems to be typical Greek fashion. Anyway if everything goes as planed I should arrive in Rhodes at 6am just in time to buy a ticket on the eight o clock boat to Marmaris Turkey... man I hope this all works out. Anyway that is the plan... if it happens or not is another story but this is the plan.... I really hope nothing happens to mess this up, but if it does... oh well, thats travel in the east for you!. Anyway I did not really get much sleep lastnight cause this one guy at the hostel was snorring in a way that I can only describe as "violoently supernatural". Anyway I will be glad to be out of this hostel, its inexpensive but really quite crappy... they dont really clean much and there is never any TP... so yea, I wont miss the place one bit. Crete has been nice but I am really looking forward to getting on with my travels... I just hope things go smothely. Anyway post ya latter... hopefully from Turkey.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

At last new pics!

As always blacksun has been giving me headaches... but finaly here are the new pics of Athens, Corfu, Albania, Naxos, Santorini and Crete! Booyaaa!

Monday, September 26, 2005


Well I guess there are worse places to be stuck than Crete! So I was hoping to catch a boat over to Rhodes to then cross over to turkey... yea well that would have been a good idea if it was not for the fact that there is only one bloody boat a week to freaking Rhodes... how this is possible I do not know but its the way it is... I spent all yesterday looking for a way around this... but no go. Anyway as it stands now I will be taking the 6pm boat to Rhodes on wednsday and I will arive there at 6 am the next day... now if things go my may (they never seem to) I will be in time to catch a boat to turkey that leaves at 8... and will be in Turkey by 9ish on Thursday... it would be nice... but somehow I cant let myself to count on it. I would be arriving in Marmaris and slowly making my way up to Istambul... although not as slowly as I would like since I am stuck here in Crete! arghhh. Anyway enough of that. I have decided to make the best of my stranded status on the island... Iraklio is really quite a cool city, its very active and there is lots going on... and its not that expensive, although the hostel I am staying at is quite crap... but oh well I got myself some new earplugs today and am hoping to get some rest. Anyway thats all for now, ill probably post again tomorow or something like that.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

yay Naxos!

Well I have been in Naxos for a few days now... when I first arrived I was scandalized by the prices but then I realized that I was just looking in all the tourist traps... get this 5 euros for a toothbrush... just a regular freaking plastic colgate toothbrush... ended up getting one in town for .85 cents... man. Anyway Naxos is quite the place, the beaches are really nice and the scenery is quite spectacular. The only thing is that the place is full of middle aged scandinavians and thats about it... its like the 50+ pale white club... so not to much on the chiquitita front obviously. I am quite happy cause I got a really nice room for 15 euro a night... so that is just great... all that complaining about hostels payed off! Anyway today I rented a bike and took a 6 hour ride allong the island... for the most part the roads are terrible and my ass is killing me as a result... not to mention that I am just absolutely whiped out... its going to be an early night for Carlos tonight. Anyway I got mysefl a flight from Istambul to Berlin on the 6th of october (not sure if I had already mentioned this) so I guess I am going to be going to Turkey, yay! I hope to be in Turkey by the 28th or 29th... that way I will have a chance to explore arround a little... maybe visit the ruins of troy or something like that before I make my way to Istambul. I am not sure just yet how the hell I am getting to Turkey, I know there are several islansds in greece with service to turkey such as Kos and Rhodes but I still have to figure out the details. Anyway that is basicaly what is going on now.... ill do my best to post some pictures soon but the people at blacksun have moved my site and I am having all sorts of problems with my FTP again... dammit. Anyway thats all for now... ciao.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Naxos Bound!

Ok will it looks like I have something that resembles a plan now. I am in Athens and on my way to Naxos at 5:30 this evening (I hope). I plan to stay there for a few days and then move on to Santorini, Rhodes and all those other cool islands. I found a really good flight from Istambul to Berlin on the 6th so I am going to do that... I will probably get to the Turkish mainland from Rhodes... but I know there are many other options as well... I will have to figure all this out. I hope to be in Turkey by the end of this month so that I have a chance to explore it a little... well ill have 5 to 7 days so that will give me some time to see whats going on over there. I have to say that I am getting really really tirred... in just about every way but I know that this is probably a once in a life time oportunity so I am going to do as much as I possibly can... besides after a few days of rest on Santorini I am sure I will be just fine and up to my old antics again. Anyway that is basicaly what is going on now... the ferri to Naxos takes something crazy like 16 hours so I will have a chance to get my thoughts together and chill a bit... its cool because this way I dont have to worry about hostels for tonight and when I get in tomorow I will just fin a place to chill and then that will be that. I have to say that I am starting to get really excited about going home... I can just see myself sleeping in my own bed... watching tv... having my clothes be all celan and not having to share a room with nobody! not one single dirty travelling hippy or anoying middle aged hipster! yay!... *sigh*. Also looking forward to seing my folks and all my friends ofcourse... man is it ever going to be nice to chill on the beach at Progreso with a nice cold beer and just do nothing... and know that I am home. Anyway enough of that... I am very happy and excited that I am going to the islands and then to greece... I am sure it will be a great experience. Reading what I have been writing I can tell I am just ranting and not much of this makes any sense so I guess this will be it for now. If any of you have any tips on travel in turkey or the greek islands please let me know... cause I have no idea!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Corfu! weee!!! + fun in the Balcans!

Well like 5 days ago I arrived in Corfu, the bus from Athens could not be described as anything short of hellish... it was supposed to take 8 hrs but since I was the only client on the bus the bus driver figured it would be ok to stop at every stop and talk to her bus driver friends for hours on end... I am quite sure he spoke english although he did a good job of pretending he did not! Well when I finally arived in Corfu I was quite happy to discover that the place where I was going to stay (the pink palace) was actualy quite nice... despite all the pink. I got a deal for 20 euros a night with breakfast and supper... which is really quite amazing! Anyway I have just been mostly hanging out on the beach and recovering a little from all this moving arround... tomorow I fly back to Athens where I will stay for a few days, pick up a few things and then make my way over to Santorini. From Santorini I think I will visit a bunch of other islands before I head over to Turkey. I was not sure if I wanted to go to turkey since its such a big country and really deserves its own trip... but since Istambul is much closer to these islands than Athens... I figured what the hell? I think I will stay in Greece/Turkey till about the 5th of october... after that I plan to make my way over to Berlin and maybe make a little trip over to poland... its very close, I was thinking that maybe I could even just go with a daypack and bike there! that would be so intense. Anyway this flight I found to go to Athens was quite cheap and I am sooo happy that I dont have to take that freaking awful bus again... man seriously it was bad. The other day I made a day trip to Albania which kinda turend in to a little more... but you can just ask me about that one, it was really really messed up... messed up? in the balcans you say? NOOOO!!!!! heheh well yea it was. Anyway I would quite recomend the pink palace and corfu... the only things is that some of the staff at this place ... wow just awful... they are so rude and arogant its almost funny, specialy since they are such loosers who get off on feeling like they have some sort of authority... hey guys!!! YOU WORK AT A FREAKING HOSTEL!!! ... nothing wrong with that, but gezzz dont be such a coky ass just because you control who gets free drinks and who does not, man... anyway thats all, or else this could REALLY turn in to a rant. The only other thing about here is that the internet is quite bad...1.50 for 30 mins and its quite slow... but oh well, who comes to greece to spend all day on the internet eh?. I still have not had a chance to backup my picks... which I do not like one bit, but I hope ill find some internet cafe that will do it for me in the next few days in Athens... at which point I will post some Greece/Albania pics on the travel photo site. Anyway... that was a long post but its all for now. ciao.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Today was simply amazing!

Well travelling from Hungary to Greece was quite a pain in the ass, I got in this morning at 4 am and was in to my hostel by 6, I had 3 hrs sleep and then went to see Athens! I just dont have words to describe how incredible it was... I was so tirred but once I arrived I was just so excited I cried... I just could not stop... it was really overwelming. I visited the Acropolis, the Agora and a few other smaller sites in the vacinity... It was just awesome awesome awesome!!! Tonight I am heading over to Corfu (8 hr bus) where I will be staying at the famous "Pink Palace". I hope to stay for a few days... get som R&R on the beach and then head out to explore the rest of Ionia. I really hope to go to Rhodes and Olympia also... and perhaps if I have time and money swing by Turkey... its very close to Rhodes after and there must be lots of boats back and forth. I have really liked Athens... I dont know why people say such bad things about it... maybe its been cleaned up lots since the Olympics... who knows. Anyway Ill be back to Athens to fly to Berlin... so then Ill have more time to explore at a little bit less of an insane itenerary... and with more sleep... mmm sleep. Anyway I am really hungry so I think I am going to go get something to eat... check the picture site in the next few days... I should have those pictures up before to long I hope.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


So I was looking for busses to krakov and they where sooo expensive, it just made no sense... so then I figured... hmmm I wonder how much it would cost to fly to athens...12Euro! BOYAAA so that was that, screw poland... I am going to Greece. I am going tomorow which is a little freaky since its september 11th... but oh well. anyway I arrive quite late (like 2am) in Athens... I am going to stay for a couple days and then make my way over to Corfu. After a few relaxing days I will start to explore the sites... any suggestions for places I simply must see??? Anyway I think I am going to explore Budapest a little more today and spend some time reaserching my trip... it should be a blast, I am just worried that its going to get crazy expensive... but oh well, Ill be living for cheap in Berlin in October anyway, so meh! Also I heard that the UADY (University of Yucatan) is going to be starting up a Philosophy program in 2006... so that is quite cool, who knows... maybe I could TA or something... no news so far on if they are going to have a grad program... that would be quite nifty eh?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Exausted in Budapest

Maggie and I arrived in Budapest a few hours ago and we are just exausted... last night we stayed out quite late in Vienna and had to get up really early to catch our bot... we had what I will only describe as a series of quite unfortunate events this morning *sigh*. Anyway we got on the boat and arrived in Budapest a bit early... found our hostel and settled in. The hostel is supper nice and cheap and get this... maggie and I are the only people here, so we have the whole thing to our selves, sweet eh?. Anyway we are really tirred... we hope to go out tonight for a little but I think we are going to make it an early night... i am not very lucid... although the Hungarian women are singing their siren song... wow they are amazing, its just incredible. Anyway I think I am not making much sense and the sleep depravation is getting to me... so thats it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Last day in Vienna

Today is our last day in Vienna, tomorow we will be taking a boat down the Danube to Budapest where we are going to stay for 3 nights. After that Maggie is going to france to visit some friends and then she will head back to the continent. I am planing to go to Poland but it seems Budapest is not much of a travel hub, so ill just have to see what is available. I have also been thinking about maybe flying to Riga directly and then visiting poland from germany... since its so colse to berlin. Oh yea I am going to be living in Berlin for a few months... I cant remember if I had mentioned that or not, oh well. Anyway things have been going quite good... Our week in Austria was really cool, we had tons of fun but are looking forward to moving on... always moving, eshhh. I am however looking forward to being in Berlin for a while, its such a cool city and besides since its so cheap to travel out from I will perhaps make a few little side trips. Yesterday marked my 3rd full month of travel and next monday I will have been on the road for 100 day, crazy en? Its been a real blast and I am loving every minute of it (well almost every minute) but it will be good to settle down in Berlin for a while... do lots of reading some writing and just basically chilling out, although I would love to find a job over there or maybe take a german course... Imagine me, living in Germany, hhehe oh well it could happen! If any of you would like to crash with me for a while in berlin, I love to have guests... its always a good excuse to go out, have fun and not feel to guilty about all the debotcherry which usualy ensues. See ya.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sa sa sa in Vienna and fun in Bratislava

Well we have been in Austria for a few days now and we have really seen lots! the little towns around here are just so gorgeous its not even funny... the sausages are so amazing and the beer ofcourse is wonderful. A few nights ago Reinheart, Maggie and I went out and we danced to the Sa sa sa in Vienna which we thought was just the funniest thing... *sigh* I sure have had many good times to that song... wish I was going to have more... if you catch my drift. Anyway yesterday we spend the day in Bratislava (Slovakias capital city) and that was loads of fun... its the biggest city in the country but to tell the truth thats not saying much since it was so small... but it was very cute and we had a very very nice time... and hey, new country! I was glad to hear that Kevin in Lousiana is doing ok and that the effects of the hurricane did not reach him... those poor people are in such a mess. Anyway its quite late and I am feeling quite tirred so I think that will be all for now. Till next time.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Chilling in Vienna

Maggie and I arrived in Austria a few days ago, we are staying with Dalila and her family who have been so great to us, its wonderful! We have been having a nice time and have had lots of home made food... which ofcourse is simplz the best. We are going for a day trip over to slovakia tomorow where we will visit Bratislava... that should be cool. We are probably going to Hungary in a few days os so but our plans are still a little unstable. Anyway I kinda have to hurry allong so that is all for now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Austria Bound... and kind of messed up

These last few days have been very hard... personal life stuff should not mess up travel experience, but I guess its inevitable to a certain point. Anyway Maggie and I are on our way to Austria, there we are staying with some friends for 4 or 5 nights, it should be great... I hear Vienna is a great city... the only thing is that its going to feel very expensive after Czech rep... but oh well, just about anything would. I think Maggie is going to go with me after to Slovakia and Hungary... maybe Poland, but she is not sure. It would be cool if she came along but I am sure I will survie eitherway. Czech republic has been my 12th country in 12 months and its great... but I must say I am starting to get a bit exausted with all this moving around... but oh well, ill continue doing it till I run out of cash or am just to tirred to enjoy myself... it will probably be more of the first than the second. Post in Austria.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Czec Republic is kick ass

Well he wave been in the Czec republic for about a week now and we have had an amaying time. Prague is one of the most amazing cities I have ever seen, the architecture is paralled only perhaps by Rome, the food is great and cheep and the beer... well the beer is a whole other story... it is dirt cheap and simply amazing, man do these people ever know how to make a good brew. A couple days ago we took a road trip to visit the bone church in Kutna Hura and these really amazing caves further east... I cant remember the name but ill post that after. We stayed the night in this really cute little village in the mountains... it was just fantastic. We went out to supper with a couple ozzies who where also on the trip... we had dinner, a few bears and drinks each, dessert and a take away wine for under 15 eruo... thats for four people... now thats value! Anyway we just got back to prague and have a few more days to enjoy the city, Maggie will join us tomorow and then Maggie and I will make our way to Viena! weee Should be great! I am posting some pics really soon.
signing out,

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Amsterdam... wow

Well I am not really sure where to start or what to say about Amsterdam and my time here. The city is really amazing and has lots to offer aside from drugs and hookers... although the past week the city has been really dirty because of a strike. It has been kinda weird to stay at, get this... a christian youth hostel, but over all it has been quite good... for the price the rooms and the food are really good, specialy the food. Ofcourse every once in a while you are bombarded by hyms and the staff rambling about how "Crazy aweseome it is to beleive in Christ BOYAAA!" but other that that no problems. I have to admit that I have spent lots of time in the "Coffe Houses" and that I have, well lets just say over indulged somewhat. Anyway I am really anxious to post some more pics online of Amsterdam as well as Cordoba and a few new places, so I hope that will happen soon. Anway I fly out to prague in like 3 hours so I guess I should get my act together... and try to act sober at the airport. Signing out.
- Carlos

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yay Holland!

Well we finaly arived to Amsterdam, we had some trouble with the hostel which had over booked us but it seems that things are under control now. Ohhh yea, the hostel turns out to be a christian hostel... which kinda stinks cause you can bring in booze or blunts! Imagine that, no blunts, in Amsterdam!!! Anyway other than that the hostel is ok, the staff is really nice... over all its an ok place to stay. Maggie Sergio and I took a nice walk this morning and made our way to a "Cafe"... yea that was a good time. I think I am just gonna chill for a while and maybe have a nap so that we can really hit the town tonight. The city is quite cool and reminds me a fair bit of Copenhagen... except is a bit more dirty. Holland is really cool but I am really looking forward to start visiting those less expensive countries!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Madrid = Vice city

Madrid is super sketchy, its full of prostitutes, there are shootings and its just plain scary. The thing is that this is the way it is in the tourist area... hell I would hate to see the slums! Anyway today we are going to "El Museo del Prado" which should be cool... and tonight we go to Amsterdam! at least they will be under control. In any case I am glad we spent an extra night in Cordoba... to be honest large cities in Spain leave quite a bit to be desired, but who cares the rest of the country is really awesome, especially the Andalucia region, that was really sweet. Anyway I dont have that much to report so I guess Ill be posting next in Amsterdam. P.S. This one guy thought Maggie was a hooker, he says "Are you working?" Sergio and I thought it was quite funny but poor Maggs was mortified hahahhaha poor thing.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Cordoba was great!

We arived in Cordoba and to our delight the hotel at which we stayed (and payed 18euro a night) e/a was super nice. We call it the Hitlon and for us thats what it looked like. The city itself was really really nice, it had tons of really good shoping, lots of really nice plazas and the bigest Mosque in all of Europe... It was really really amazing, ill be posting some pictures on-line soon (I hope). The plan was to stay for 2 nights but we liked it so much that we decided to stay 3, even though that ment that we would only have two nights in Madrid. We are now in Madrid, it looks cool... but ofcourse like any really big city it has its drawbacks, I am discovering I like travel in small towns the best. Anyay that is all for now, my mind is a hazeee... ill post again soon and probably post those pics.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Granada at last!

Well we are in Granada but the trip was just awful, we had to take a 4 hr train to this place in central spain near Madrid (Alcazar de San Juan) and then wait 6 ours (from 9pm to 3 am) for our train to Granada which took another 5 hours, so as you can probably gather we are exausted, although I was able to sleep most of the time on the train. However I must say that its totaly worth it because its amazing here, the Arab influence really stands out and the city itself feels like nothing I have ever really seen. Tonight we are gonna go see a Flamenco dancing shot and tomorow we will be checking out all the sites... we are doing that today to but we are quite shot! We are hoping to get over to Moroco for a while but I am not sure if its going to work out... anyway here is hoping!

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Well Maggie, Sergio and I arrived in Valencia yesterday. The trip was 5 hrs long but to tell the truth it was quite easy, just one train and it was not full... so it was great. Anyway the city is quite large but really does not feel like it, Downtown is really amazing, ill have to post some pictures on the website soon. Anyway we are here till tomorow evening... from here we are going to Granada, but since there are no direct trains we are gonna have to take a train from 6pm to 12am and then another from 12am to 8am... so in other words tuesday is gonna suck! Oh well Granada is one of the places I really wanted to go, so I guess we will survive. As you porbably know Valencia is famous for its food so we must make sure to eat plenty Paella Valenciana and drink lots of Horchata. Anway thats all for now.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Last day in Barcelona

Well tomorow we (Maggie, Sergio and I) are heading to Valencia, we have our hostel booked and everyithing so there should be no problem. Yesterday we went to Angel´s parents beach house for supper... wow now that was good food, not to mention plentiful! Today we basicaly just walked around for a while has some lunch and decided to take it easy beacause its so dammed hot outside... its just crazy and a few minutes of walking around really screws you up. Tonight I think we are gonna go to some night club some friend of Angel owns, runs or something like that. It should be fun, I just hope that I dont have to spend very much money but to tell the truth Barcelona has been very inexpensive staying here with Angel, its been good but its also time to move on. I am really thinking I would like to stay for a year or so in Europe, the best thing would be to find a job and settle somewhere in a month and a half or so, but I dont even know if I could get a job... so everything is really in the air, all I know is that I would like to stay and have the chance to live in europe for a while. Anywa thats all for now.

Friday, August 05, 2005

gloria hallelujah!

After a month or so of fighting with my server I got the travelling picture page online: I will try to keep it as updated as I can. Nothing really new to report today, except that tapas although delicious are pure evil for your digestive track!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I hate my ISP and french trains!

Well we arived in Barcelona last night, the trip was... well awful, wehad to take 5 trains not one of which was on time... and its sillybecause Barcelona is really not that far away from southern france,but then again who said the french and the spanish are capable ororganizing much less coordinatin anything. Anyway we are staying withMaggies friend Angel who seems to be very nice. The apartment in whichwe are staying is really quite cool and near the sea... I think mysecond trip to Barcelona will be much better than the first. I am alittle frustrated because my website server is not working although Ihave been on their asses for the past couple of weeks, and on top ofthat I just discovered a 150cnd charge on my credit card from payments are in Febuary and in any case I never Authorizedautomatic billing or anything like that. Anyway other than all thatcaos things are going quite well, its really nice to travel and hangout with maggie and sergio, although we kinda have to get our actstogether and figure out where we are gonna be going and when, and howto make it as cheep as possible because I have spent way way way moremoney than I wanted to by this point... with the flying to paris,having to stay longe in denmark and all. Its a little hard to becausemaggie and sergio are only here for a month so they constantly want tobe on the move and are spending money, but in anycase something willwork out I am sure. I am really excited about seing more of spain,specialy galicia... from what I hear it is a really amazing region,valencia should be very cool as well. Anyway mom thats all for now.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Relaxing in Angouleme

Sergio and I arrived to Qngouleme a few days ago, xe have been hanging out here with maggie and her friends. We are staying at a little hotel downtown wich after all the hostels feels like a five star hotel, I am freaking loving it! The tow is really cute and pictoresc... the way you would expect a small town in southern france to be I guess. I am still not used to these bizzare french keyboards so posting is a bit of a drag. Tomorow we are on our way to spain, should be a long trek but I am sure it will be well worth it. post ya latter.

Friday, July 29, 2005

last full day in paris :(

Paris has been great, what a city! The women are amazing the food and wine excelent... all is great except the price. The hostel is pretty good so Sergio and I are quite happy about that, the only thing is that there is this really weird russian dude in the dorm and he kinda creeps us out. Tomorow I meet up with Maggie and from there, well we will see. I hope that I can find a nice and cheep internet caffe tu burn my pics and upload a few to the site and/or blog. Thats it for now.
P.S. Not going to miss the french keyboards, arghhh!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

In Paris!

Well I arrived in Paris a few days ago and cought up with Sergio. The first hostel we stayed at was shit (3 ducks) but the one we are at now is actualy quite good (Aloha Hostel Paris). We would like to stay a few more days but we dont know if we will be able to. After paris we are gonna meet up with maggie, although I am not 100% sure what we are doing yet, but I am sure we will have a great time no matter what it is. Paris is really cool, much cleaner than I thought... and the people are actualy quite nice, suprisingly actualy... maybe its cause Sergio and I are always speaking spanish and at least atempt french. Anyway all is good... as far as the pictures, have not been able to upload any yet, but maybe ill find a better cybercaffe tomorow... as long as the FTP site is back up. Ciao!
- Carlos R.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Last couple days in Denmark

Well I just have a couple more days in Copenhagen, its an ok city but I think my visit has run its course. Ofcourse in a sense I am killing time here till Paris and am kinda paralized since its so expensive, but oh well all and all its not been bad at all. I really dont have much to tell although the weather today was quite good which is great since it had been raining all day. There have been some really anoying people at the hostel and some worth talking to for a bit... but as for the Danes, as nice as they are the result very hard to aproach... its a real challenge to get to know people from around here... but I gess this is generaly true of all of Scandinavia anyway. In anycase its Paris on Sunday, I SO hope the trip goes easy and that I dont run in to to much troulbe and find the hostel with ease.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So I guess I am gonna be in Copenhagen for a while

I hate to point out the obvious, ofcourse Scandinavia is expensive ans sure I am an idiot for spending so much time here, but thats that... ill be here till Sunday, ill fly to france (I hope so anyway) and there I will meet up with Sergio. I am looking forward to travel in some less expensive countries, its awful but I kinda feel like a refuge here sharing a room with like 19 people and eating nothing but tuna, bread and nutela, cause its all I can really aford... and even just that is quite expensive. At least I am meeting some cool people and the city is very walker friendly... so that is a definite advantage. In any case I am gonna make the most of my time in Denmark, it really is a neat country. Over and out.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Hello Denmark

Well I am in Copenhagen now, had to wake up like at 3, went to sleep the previous night at about 1 and have still not had any sleep. When I first got in I was feeling quite sick... and then I was sick... not much fun in a hostel. The hostel is kinda crappy but its cheap (for Scandinavia anyway) so thats good, although the hostel itself is crowded and kinda shitty but oh well. I hope to go out tonight and have a coffe or something and then get a good night sleep so that I can really hit the town tomorow. So far the city looks really nice... so it should be a blast.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Long time no post

its been a while since I last posted, I dont really have easy internet access here in Norway, but oh well. My time here has been nice and I will remain in Norway for a little more than a week. After that I am gonna go to Denmark on the 18th. From Denmark I have to make may way to paris, there I will meet up with Sergio and eventualy with Maggie, although that may be more to the west near to the border with Spain. I am looking forward to seeing them and getting on with my joureny. The weather here has been really nice, very very nice actualy... and its been cool to take a break from all the hostels and long days, although i am sure i will have a great time once i get going again. anyway I dont really have that much to say, so post ya latter... I hope

Saturday, June 25, 2005

last full day in Berlin

Well this is our last day in berlin, tomorow we are going to norway, but our flight is not till quite late, so we will still have most of the day to hang around. Berlin was nothing like I expected, its so artsy fartsz and full of what seam to be really cool people, not that I expected the people to suck, but I dont know... I had another mental image.... guess it just goes to show. We have done quite a bit here and its been good because its helped me get over the whole Barcelona fiasco. I have been spending way to much money so it will be nice to crash in norway for a while and take it easy. Daniel has been very cool with us, he put us up in his place and has been a great host, I hope I have the chance to return the favor sometime. all for now

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Berlin rocks!

Well Jeanette and I are in Berlin, we are having a real nice time. This city is amazing and I am surprised by how inexpensive it is. Our flight here was 50 euros after taxes and all that jazz and food and stuff is really not expensive either. We are staying with a Peruvian friend from Fredericton and he has been really coo. Today we went to the national art gallery... wow it was so amazing. The city is super clean, organized but at the same time feels like lots of fun, and best of all you can get beer for as little as 30 euros!!! is that crazy or what??? BOOYA!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Screw you Barcelona

Well we got robed at the metro and the cameras and music are gone for ever. We just got snached and it happened so fast, the guy just disapeared in to nothing.... wow this sucks, that was like 2000 bucks worth of stuff... *sigh*. Anyway we are staying in this hostel and its ok, but so noisy... we hardly got any sleep last night so with all that has happened you can imagine that Jeanette and I are not in the best of moods. We had such a nice time in Florence and Pisa, this is just really so unfortunate, but I guess its all just stuff that can be replaced, not soon mind you but eventualy... and besides nobody was hurt. We have two more nights booked at this hostel and then we are out of here, I am sure Barcelona is great but we are just to angry and it brings bad memories... we will do our best to enjoy the time we have but we are not going to stay longer than we have to. I hope I have better news in my next post.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Florence... and rain rain rain

We are now in florence, sadly its been raining like a moffo for 2 days now. What a pain in the ass. Roma was lots of fun ofcourse, we went to go see the pope and got some pictures, thank goodness for high optical zoom. There is a pizza place near the campgrounds which is amazing so I think I gotta get me some of that latter on today. This rain is a real pain in the arse, aditionaly the fact that we are staying at a camp ground in a tent does not really help, everything is very muddy and not that plesant at all... we have not even really been able to go in to town or hit any museums!!! I sooo hope it gets better soon. On the 18 its barcelona for us, we leave from the Pisa airport which seems to be only like 1hr 5Euro train away, so I hope evything goes well. In any case I will be Spain bound soon! Take Care.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So it begins...

Well I have been in Roma for a couple days now, so far things are great... I have met a few cool people and walked around the city lots. It has not really changed all that much, but its quite diferent to be here on your own as oposed to with a group. I went by the Domus today but nobody was there yet =( oh well, ill try latter on in the day. I met this guy from the Uk and these american girls, so we have been hanging out at the campsite and drinking stupid amounts of wine... I love my 2 Euro 3 litre bottles of vino/pain thiner... I dont really have any plans for today, I just want to get ahold of the UNB group... the thing is that I have no idea when they get in, and the people at the front desk dont seem to like me... so oh well. I am at barberini now so I may just go get a panini or something or just go get some groceries, eats are so expensive here. Anyway take care, ill post again soon.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Well I am in Rome, that was one hell of a trip... I am so tirred but I am running on 100% pure adrenaline and excitement. The Jett is really hitting me hard and I think its going to take me a while to shake it, but oh well I will survive. I stayed with mike and the guys lastnight... or was that 2 days ago? or was that today??? what ever... anyway Mike and I went to go see the Seindfeld stand up, it was pretty good I must say. Anyway back to Roma, I had forgoten how crazy this city was, I got in at rush hour and there I was with all my bags on the metro, worried as hell I was gonna get robed/molested by a gang of gipsies... fortunately not gipsy molestation yet, YET! Well I am still in schock so I am not sure what more to say, expect more exciting updates soon,

Ciao, Carlos

Friday, June 03, 2005

Rome Tomorow...

Wow, Yesterday really really sucked... my flights where delayed and cancelled... I had to go through extra lines cause I had all the wrong papers and stuff... but I made it! Today I ran around montreal getting my insurance, going to the bank etc etc... was kinda lame, but after that I went to have a few beers with mitch. Just a couple of minutes ago Mike got us tickets to go see Seindfeld on standup, so that should be a blast! We are gonna be back quite early, which is good cause I need my sleep, tomorow is going to be one freaking long day. Anyway here is hoping all goes well. Next post will be from Roma!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So a couple days ago, Mike and I left Merida and headed over to cancun. Like the minute we got there we started drinking and I figure I downed about a two-four... anyway as you can imagine (or know if you have ever seen me that drunk) I was wasted. That night we went to the cocobongo, it was ok... but a bit of a weiner-fest, unlike last month, gezzz that was unreal. Last night we went to fat tuesdays... and that was much better, lets just say it was like something out of the old testament, not one of the boring parts about burning bushes, rather like one of those scenes from Gamora... I kept expecting sulfuric rain and a plague of loucust, but fortunately all I got was a hang over and 3 hrs sleep. I am in playa at the moment but I dont feel like driking to much tonight, I think I will go to the mambo caffee for a little and maybe have a couple brews... at the very most! Tomorow I am off to montreal... and then after that it is only one full day till i am on my way to italy... its going to be so cool, I cant wait to be back in the eternal city and have some kick ass gelato. Thats all for now...
A dopo!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Weekend update

Well, as expected I have no plans... I am such a lamer. Anyway I am getting really excited about Europe (although not excited like that guy on that webpage about having sex with cars, tina this means you), Its crazy to think that in about this time next week I should be in Rome. I hope all goes well cause I really need some time for myself... to do the whole cliche "Finding myself while bumbing through europe". In other news... I dont care if its cliche, its gonna be great, I really like that my plans are so loose, although I really hope to be able to make it to the Dream Theater concert in paris on june 25th... man that would be sweet... if any of you know any cheap hostels in paris or better yet know people, please let me know! Anyway it looks like Mike and I are still on for cancun on monday. I go to Montreal on thursady and mike on wed, so ill have one whole day to myself... I guess thats cool, it will give me a chance to gather my thoughts before I head out on my epic journey, EPIC I TELL YOU! I am kinda disapointed that the trip to Guatemala/Belize with Tona and Soples did not pan out, but I really can´t compalin... well I can, but I really should not. In any case I think that is enough BS for one day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sooo out of shape

So Maggie and I are getting pissy cause we are in such bad shape, after that awful cold I have felt like shiat... due to the lack of exersize, proper eating etc. So maggie and I decide to go for a run... wow, 5k run and like another 3 or 4 walk and I was dying... it stinks so much, especialy when you think last summer I was doing 15k a day no problem, but oh well... Ill get back in to shape soon, and besides all that running around europe with a backpack is bound to snap me in to shape. I really wanna go see StarWars ep. III like a good 10 times before I go to europe, goddam that movie rocked... still no SW-ESB (Empire Strikes Back). I have to figure out soon when exactly I am going to Cancun. I for sure want to spend some time in cancun/playa with mike before I head over, but I know my folks will not be to crazy about that idea since they have no idea when they will see me next. Oh well, things will work out I am sure.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It´s getting close now...

Wow its getting close, the going to europe that is.... in two weeks ill be in Rome... shiat! Anyway things in merida are going ok, Mike just went to Muna after having spent some days in merida with us (the Rosado´s). Its been fun to have him over, i think next week we will be heading over to Cancun for some major drinking and debotcherry. The days before yesterday we went to Campeche for the day and spent the night, it really is quite a nice city... sadly that night I was not feeling to good, but oh well I am fine now. It is really weird to think I am going to be going to europe so soon, its exciting but also a little weird especialy cause I have NO idea what is next? should I go back to Canada? return to Merida? try to find something to do in Europe? go someplace new? *sigh*

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Where in the world is Mike Gonzalez?

So Mike is supposed to show up today in cancun from montreal and take the buss to merida... and be in be 5 but this is not gonna happen since his flight had to land god knows where cause of fog. This stinks... I hope he gets in on time for us to be able to go to the beach... we already have paid for the open bar, so we better as hell get to drink ourselves silly today. Today is also graduation day for all the folks at UNB, I kinda wish I could be there... but no complaints, its nice to be home. I went out for beers last night with tona and soples, was a good time but I got home kinda late and got up early today. I read the "lion the witch and the wardrobe" for the first time today, it was kinda cool but messed up, Jesus was a lion and he was friends with santaclause, WTF??? in any case it was fun, think ill read the others also. Anyway that´s all for now.

Monday, May 16, 2005

mmm Sushi

I went out for sushi last night with Raul and his GF, it was quite good... kinda different from most sushi I have ever had, but still it was quite good and cheep. Raul and Rosana seems happy, its good to see him doing well. I was thinking the other day that when I am in Europe it would be really cool to go to Viena, I know some people over there so it would probably be a good oportunity to visit, since its so freaking expensive over there. I am having a little trouble figuring out exactly where to go after Rome... (ohhh life is so hard hehhe) Spain and France for sure, but there are just so many places. I know I cant do it all in one trip, but by god I am going to try.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Victory!... well almost, kinda, I hope...

The cough is almost gone, yay.... its still kinda there but its totally getting owned in the near future, booya. The past few days have not seen much activity at all, I have been going to the school to do some work for my folks and last night I went out with sergio and my parents to the downtown area. As always it was nice, lots of music, eats and good oportunities for photography. In any case I am anxious to be back at 100%.... so that the debotcherry can officialy start. Mike arives on the 18th which is the same day of this event thingy for the school at telchac puerto (a beach)... so although I think Mike still does not know it, he is gonna come to the beach. We get to stay at a nice hotel on the beach for free... so I cant see there being to many complaints. In any case I think that is all for now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

ARGHHHH this is just stupid *cough* *cough*

This cough just refuses to go away, I was up all night last night.... I am not getting enough sleep and its making me very pissed. I got my xrays back from the doctor and he says its nothing serious... but its been over 3 weeks... come on! anyway... I went out with Soples and Tona last night, we are thinking about maybe going on a little road trip to Belize and/or Guatemala... its just a time thing, I dont have much of it. Mike is gonna be around soon... so I have to figure out the schedule so that I can maximize my debotcherry. Also there is gonna be a event for TTT at Telchac (its a beach)... so i will be over there for a couple days... but my mom says I have to "Behave"... I think this means not hitting on the girls and getting drunk in the pool... in other words its gonna suck! Anyways thats all for now.

Monday, May 09, 2005

A little better every day....

So this coug thing is finaly starting to get considerably better.... it was about time. It is my mom´s bday today and tomorow its mothers day (in mexico its always on the 19th). We are gonna go for lunch at Hacinedna Xcanatun.... its gonna be awsome the food there is so crazy good. Anyway I hope to get together tonight with tona, soples, sergio, raul and the gang... maybe get some beers, play some tunes. I am starting to get a little anxious about europe... I am really excited but I really have no idea where I am gonna be, what I am gonna do, if I am gonna be able to find work.... oh well, I guess time will tell.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

I give up

Ok ok ok so I know I make fun of blogs and people who have them all the time... but with all the moving around there is no way in hell I can keep in touch with everyone... so if you give a dam, here it is... hope it is not to awful.