The Bowie reference sure is apt. Many a changes these days. If you follow this blog you will have probably noticed I haven not posted in well over a month and a half... which is rather atypical. The reason for this was that after my Baltic trip to Finland/Estonia real crunch mode on my masters thesis really got underway. It was quite the ordeal but I am happy to say that I finally submitted my thesis yesterday! The other major change since March is that my wife Jeanette and I have moved out of our tiny apartment in Oslo and in to a new place in Østfold (her home town of Moss to be precise). Since then the weather has really taken quite a sharp turn, all the snow is gone and we have been blessed with intermittent days of wonderful weather. Moss is a very small place and there is not all that much to do, but there are lots of parks and biking paths... so that is cool. I do however miss Oslo and really hope we can find an affordable place there sometime next spring/summer. Jeanette is now over 8 months pregnant and doing wonderfully; its really crazy to think that this time next month I will be a dad (fingers crossed!). What a trip. We have all the baby stuff set up and are anxiously counting down the days! I am now in job seeking mode which is of-course not that much fun, so if any of you fine readers know of any jobs opening up in the region, give me a shout! Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos.