Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Arges album cover photos

Maybe you recognize those photos? Yea they are from that series I did in BC several months ago. Anyway some friends of mine in this metal band ( wanted to use them for their cover art… anyway, I think they came out pretty neat.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A little Yucatecan Folklore

So yea, I know I have been quite bad with the posting thing lately... with Jeanettes visit, tons of work... well I just have not had that much time. The photos in this set are part of a project I was working on today, and although portraits are not what I have the most experience with, I think they came out fairly well. Anyway I hope you enjoy this photos. For those who don´t know, the garmets are part of traditional Yucatecan dress. Thank you very much to my models, you were all very good sports even though it was so hot out!