Saturday, March 17, 2007

Photography - Plants & Animals

I quite like this shot, I was also suprised that I was able to get this result with a zoom lens.

Gotta love of those colors... you sure dont get that in a can

Snaped this photo at the "Puerta de Tierra" in Campeche

I feel so bad for this poor tucan, he is so beautiful and sad... if I had not been there with my work I would have probably made quite a scene... actualy I regret not buying him, but who knows if he could

This little guy was just beggint to have his picture taken, he was great and kept changing poses and then staying still for several seconds

I took this photo of a "bird of paradise" in my parents back yard

As with the "bird of paradise" I took this shot in my parents yard

I really like the way the light hits the dog, and San Cristobal ofcourse makes for a great background

Nice colors eh? I did not even have to make any color adjustments... that does not happen to often with these kinds of shots, well at least not to me

Shot of a Heneken or Sisal

I shot this dragonfly at Hacienda Yunku, I really got tons of great shots that day... if i do say so myself

Cute little bird at Edzna archaeological site in Campeche

* More on the way

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