On the road again... (in Campeche)
Well its sure seems like I am never home nowadays, this time I am in Campeche. I am here with my job for an educational fair, the hotel is fairly nice and the food is good so all is a-ok. Last night I was walking around with Aris and we saw a festival of some sort going on in front of this old colonial church. It was mostly dancing, and although this is not something I am particularly interested in, the women were beautiful and the colors of their costumes really bright and cool… I think they made for some pretty nifty pictures. Anyway here are some shots, hopefully ill get a few more pics before the trip is done.

1 comment:
Excelentes fotos de Campeche... mañana jueves regreso a Campeche con la jefa a una junta...
Quiero poooooooooooost...
Quiero post de la Riviera Maya...
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