Well this weekend I have been fairly busy travelling around the state (of Yucatan of course) for my job. The travelling is one of the things I like the most about my line of work, and I guess I am lucky since it usually gives me plenty opportunities to see interesting things and snap a few decent photos. This week I went to Ticul, Tecax, Maxcanu Abala and Oxkutzcab amongst a few others. These small towns and villages are for the most party quite small and fairly poor, however there are always interesting things to see. Anyway just as every Sunday I will be on the Paseo de Montejo trying to sell some photos and getting some of that nice Sunday fresh air. In case you would like to drop by and say hello my permanent stand number is 42. Hope you enjoy the photos.
P.S. Thanks to Aris, my particularly patient colleague!

Shrine to "Virgen de Guadalupe" in Abala

Nice shots of some kids playing arround church at Abala

I love these, they smell so good

Little fruit stand we stoped at to get some "Palanqueta"

Watermelon stand next to church in
Another image of "La Virgen"... she is a big deal in Mexico

One of two small Maya Prehispanic strucures by the highway at Yaxcopoil
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