Saturday, November 08, 2008

Pomuch and Uman

First off, thank you very much to everyone who made it to the show at Mercers last night, I was very happy with the turn out. The 18 photos will be on dispaly for a month, so if you did not make it you still have a chance to check it out.

Anyway, last week I had some work to do in Campeche, and on my way back Aris and I stoped by a couple villages, Pomuch and Uman. Anyway here are some of the shots from that day... hope you enjoy.

Cathedral inUman, its quite a wonderful structure

Shot of the doorway of the Cathedral

Aris bought some flowers and this woman was nice enough to let me snap a few photos

Aris, hanging out on the stair on the back of the little church in Pomuch

I like the way this turned out

Flower growing on the road in Pomuch

Street scene in Pomuch

Ah yes, the token drunk... always a good time

That´s all for now! thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Que tipazo ese Aris que sale alli!!!!!

Quede deslumbrada!!! Que buenazooo!!! Presentameloooo!!!


Mi futuro presente said...


Tambien sales aquí?? tienes una invasión ciber-espacial!!

Mi futuro presente said...


valgame!!! Tambien sales aquí?? tienes una invasión ciber-espacial!!

Anonymous said...

Corde jajaja has hecho que me ponga rojo de la pena...
Ese dia hacia calor y me estaba refrescando.

Claudia, si me estoy apoderando del blogspacio.

Carlos, quedaron padres la fotos. Me acuerdo de borrachito ese jaja