Photographic adventures in +40 weather! (Celestun)
Today my co-worker Aris and I took a little business trip to Celestun to check out some hotels and stuff for coming groups. Anyway, this being May… it was insanely hot, about 42 degrees, (that’s centigrade, for you Fahrenheit pushing bastards!) so needles to say we were doing our best to keep as cool as we could. Anyway, I of course took the opportunity to take some photographs of the town and a couple little quite run down villages on the way there. For those of you who have never hear of Celestun… its really quite cool, it’s a big nature reserve in the north east of Yucatan state… there are tons of rare species of birds, mangroves, flamingos and all sorts of neat stuff. On this occasion however I did not really get to venture out of town, but I have photographed the mangroves before, so if you are interested you can check out that post on this permalink.

Celestun also has quite nice beaches... and you can get quite decent sea food to!

Another beach shot taken from a hotel is was inspecting

Shot of street in Celestun (paralel to the beach)

Aris thinks he is SO cleaver!

This poor woman looks so hot... eshhh I hate May

Some dogs haunt abandoned hacienda in tiny village

Kinda cool old dorway

My name on the wall!

I am not sure why I took this photo... or even less why I posted it or kinda like it... but i did, and I do.

Shot of a cementary in the small town of Sacnicte (I think thats what it was called anyway).
1 comment:
I love architectural shots, and I am enjoying your photos of your travels. Keep up the good work!
May really is the tough month isn't it!
Now it's June and Arthur is really making life bearable for us here in Merida!
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